Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Belleville City of Light, Ontario, Canada


  1. i am LIGHT i am from india --i need to participate in this work--kindly send me details

  2. Belleville, planetary City of Light: Belleville is located on the shores of the Bay of Quinte, these waters connect with Lake Ontario and the Great Lakes system between Canada and the USA. Originally the site of a Native settlement known as Asukhknosk, these strong Native energies are still felt along with a primordial portal of Mother energies to which the early Native peoples were drawn.
    When activating an inter-dimensional portal in the downtown core, the strong primordial energies flooded forth. We were assisted by many energies both Native and those of Divine alignment to anchor and activate a stairway of consciousness (Ascension Ladder) to re-connect this amazing energy with Source.
